New Media fosters creativity because it exposes you to new things and ideas. Rather than just having the ideas given to you, you have the freedom to take those ideas and create another type of masterpiece with it. In the article 1+1+1=1 The new math of mashups, it talks about how creative individuals would create mashups of many different songs and just put it all together based on their enjoyment of music. If they liked the rap part of one song and the the acapella of another song, they just mash it up and voila, it's a new song. It's not only for the music part of creativity, this goes for everything. It just depends on what they are exposed to and how they can manipulate the things that they have been exposed to, to create a new piece of artwork.
1+1+1=1 The new math of mashups
1+1+1=1 The new math of mashups
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