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Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds can be used in many ways, one being such as having an area where you can explore and express your imaginations. For example, in a video game called Minecraft, it is a lego cartoon based virtual world created for children to be able to freely express their creativity and to be able explore the virtual world. Virtual worlds can also be used for simulations, escape from reality, video games, etc. The pros of virtual reality is that is can possibly and potentially be better than reality, it connects people, can be used for rehabilitation, provides a safe way to build skills in challenging or risky tasks, allows skills to be developed at one's own pace. The cons of virtual reality is that it can create a disconnection from the real world and the virtual world, it is costly, it could possibly reduce ones creativity. Virtual reality can be a really good thing if it was used on real life terms such as using it as like a second office. Rather than having an individual go to work by commuting an hour back and forth, they can just access their VR program and already be at work. Virtual reality fosters creativity because it helps and gives the individual a space to create things without any of the repercussions of real life accidents. For example, the building games allows individuals the will to create homes and bases without having to excess physical force or without having to wait a few months for completion. I think the future of virtual reality will become better but won't be as popular as a cellphone anytime soon. It will probably become very popular in the far future but in the near future, there will probably be decent improvements but I don't think it will become a necessity or an everyday thing yet.

After Second Life Can Virtual Worlds Get A Reboot?

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