Corporations and other businesses can use social media to help communicate and promote their business. Social media has now become one of the largest and most efficient means of communicating and getting word out to the public. Just as stated in the article, Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting, social media can be used to hire many individuals. Rather than having an old fashion and inefficient way of hiring people through physical resumes, you can now just use social media sites for hiring and screening potential employees. Websites such as linkedin and indeed. That's how companies like linkedin has a network of almost ten million employees. There are many benefits to social media, social media can be used to help innovate more futuristic and efficient ways of making life easier. Twenty years ago, if we wanted to get a job, we would have to look at newspapers and call them and wait for them to call you back, etc. Now we can just use websites such as linkedin and get your profile out there and on the way to a job. While to pros, there are always cons. Social media isn't all sunshine and rainbows, there is a "dark side" to it. Many people take social media too personally and that leads to them getting hurt when something negative happens to them. In the article, Dictionary Word of the Year: 'Unfriend', it says how "whether "unfriend" or "defriend" was the proper word for weeding someone from one's online circle". Now having facebook as a way to "track" your friendship, so people may be upset that one of their so-called friends unfriended them. It would give them that idea, "wow, i thought we were friends but i guess not" type of mentality. It could make someone disappointed and upset because they have a different interpretation of their friendship.
Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting by Frank Langfitt, NPR, March 16, 2008. available from
Dictionary word of the year: 'Unfriend' By Doug Gross, CNN Tech, November 17, 2009 . Available at:
Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting by Frank Langfitt, NPR, March 16, 2008. available from
Dictionary word of the year: 'Unfriend' By Doug Gross, CNN Tech, November 17, 2009 . Available at:
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