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Blog: Next New

After thinking for a while, a new type of media would be pretty hard to come up with. If it were that easy and possible, I would be a millionaire right now. But, a new type of media that does not exist right now is some sort of virtual type of communication. Whereas people would communicate through voice or video online but if there was some sort of way to communicate through an online virtual where you are programmatically there where it seems real. Sort of like virtual reality, being able to communicate with someone from across the world in just seconds.
Recent posts

Blog: Wiki So Far

What I can do to help our class wiki is include information relating to my topic: The Impacts of YouTube on Society. When I was doing my research paper, I found an abundance of information that relates to my topic. Each of us in this class have contributed something that makes each of our post unique. They are all different and all talk about a different type of new media and a topic retaining to new media in some way or another. In general term, what I have added is the my personal opinions and thoughts on specifics topics. New media has changed and will be different in ten years, we can refer back to this wiki and see how new media has changed.

Blog: P2P

File sharing is to be able to share one certain type of data from one system device to another system device. P2P file sharing is also known as peer to peer file sharing. It is the distribution of digital media using a network that supports peer to peer platforms. An example of a peer to peer file sharing application would be LimeWire. When I was younger, I would spend hours on limewire trying to download entertainment sources such as music and videos also known as mp3s and mp4s. In the article Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other,   it says "peer-to-peer lending operates like a marketplace" which means that applications that are p2p are like sharing websites. So for example, limewire, people were able to share their music and videos with each other online throughout the internet.

Blog: Privacy

There are many cons to new media and media in general but one of the major cons would be the privacy issues that people have to face when using these types of medias. Like for example, instagram allows you to make your photos private but others may still be able to see through your photos by looking through someone else's phone. On new media, you are never really secure in terms of privacy because the world wide web is public for everyone. Having websites like google and yahoo allow people to search your profile up if you have made a facebook or instagram or anything that is related to your name. New media doesn't allow for much privacy and that is one of the downsides of new media. It makes everything available for the public to see.

Blog: Advice

If I were to be recently hired by Baruch College to be apart of the new media team, some of the advice I would give is to use every single type of social media out there. Even the ones that are not as popular. Then give people incentives to share and promote the college. For example, a voucher for a free lunch or something similar to that sort so that more people will be inclined to help promote Baruch College. Another thing I would do is help the college utilize new media to help make the college student's lives easier. Things that are dedicated specifically to things in relevance to assist them. For example, if they wanted to buy or sell textbooks, help use new media to develop a tool to make it easier to assist the student in buying or selling textbooks.

Creativity and New Media

What I did here was just take the facebook logo and turned it into e-book by using their logo and their font type. Many people do this when they are ripping off other people's ideas to create that they liked in the first place. Such as the Supreme box logo, many people like the idea of the box logo but want their own custom design in it, so they would take Supreme's box logo idea and just use different fonts to create their own design. 

HW Creativity

New Media fosters creativity because it exposes you to new things and ideas. Rather than just having the ideas given to you, you have the freedom to take those ideas and create another type of masterpiece with it. In the article 1+1+1=1 The new math of mashups, it talks about how creative individuals would create mashups of many different songs and just put it all together based on their enjoyment of music. If they liked the rap part of one song and the the acapella of another song, they just mash it up and voila, it's a new song. It's not only for the music part of creativity, this goes for everything. It just depends on what they are exposed to and how they can manipulate the things that they have been exposed to, to create a new piece of artwork. Source: 1+1+1=1 The new math of mashups