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Showing posts from March, 2018

Creativity and New Media

What I did here was just take the facebook logo and turned it into e-book by using their logo and their font type. Many people do this when they are ripping off other people's ideas to create that they liked in the first place. Such as the Supreme box logo, many people like the idea of the box logo but want their own custom design in it, so they would take Supreme's box logo idea and just use different fonts to create their own design. 

HW Creativity

New Media fosters creativity because it exposes you to new things and ideas. Rather than just having the ideas given to you, you have the freedom to take those ideas and create another type of masterpiece with it. In the article 1+1+1=1 The new math of mashups, it talks about how creative individuals would create mashups of many different songs and just put it all together based on their enjoyment of music. If they liked the rap part of one song and the the acapella of another song, they just mash it up and voila, it's a new song. It's not only for the music part of creativity, this goes for everything. It just depends on what they are exposed to and how they can manipulate the things that they have been exposed to, to create a new piece of artwork. Source: 1+1+1=1 The new math of mashups

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds can be used in many ways, one being such as having an area where you can explore and express your imaginations. For example, in a video game called Minecraft, it is a lego cartoon based virtual world created for children to be able to freely express their creativity and to be able explore the virtual world. Virtual worlds can also be used for simulations, escape from reality, video games, etc. The pros of virtual reality is that is can possibly and potentially be better than reality, it connects people, can be used for rehabilitation, provides a safe way to build skills in challenging or risky tasks, allows skills to be developed at one's own pace. The cons of virtual reality is that it can create a disconnection from the real world and the virtual world, it is costly, it could possibly reduce ones creativity. Virtual reality can be a really good thing if it was used on real life terms such as using it as like a second office. Rather than having an individual go to w

Blog about Twitter

How twitter discussions and blackboard discussions are compare is that they are both spaces where you can communicate with people for whatever reasons. On twitter, you could communicate whatever you want to since it has a plethora of things to talk about whereas blackboard is more so related to the school activities. Asides from that, they are both used to get concise and precise information quickly. For example on twitter, the newest fashion releases are posted there and on blackboard the latest homework, exams, grades are given there.

Blog: Social Networking Sites

There are many types of social medias out there such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr. Each one has their own different purpose and they are all similar to a sense. What these social media websites have in common is that they are all meant to be used as a form of communication and human interaction. What differs them from each other is that they each have their own specialty or their own purpose. Twitter is for a short and concise way of getting information out to the public. Facebook is more versatile and has many things to offer such as images, video, messaging, games, etc. Instagram specialized in pictures and image posts. Tumblr is more so of a blogging type of social media.

Blog Social Networking

Corporations and other businesses can use social media to help communicate and promote their business. Social media has now become one of the largest and most efficient means of communicating and getting word out to the public. Just as stated in the article, Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting, social media can be used to hire many individuals. Rather than having an old fashion and inefficient way of hiring people through physical resumes, you can now just use social media sites for hiring and screening potential employees. Websites such as linkedin and indeed. That's how companies like linkedin has a network of almost ten million employees. There are many benefits to social media, social media can be used to help innovate more futuristic and efficient ways of making life easier. Twenty years ago, if we wanted to get a job, we would have to look at newspapers and call them and wait for them to call you back, etc. Now we can just use websites such as linkedin and get